About me

my photoHello, I am an ink pen amateur. My name is Aydagul. I studied art history, but I am not an artist.  This is my past time. I like cartoons,some manga drawings and graphic arts. I like especially vintage advertisements of 1950’s.  I like simple illustrations with humor. Miyazaki animations are my favorite movies.

My drawings aren’t amazing or great art works. But I like sharing them with friends.  With this blog I am aiming sharing my drawings. I hope someone like them. If you want use them, you can use as you wish for non commercial purposes. But please write a comment and give a link to my blog. This will encourage me for new drawings.

Thanks for reading and visiting my blog.

18 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi Aydagul, I do not think you do yourself justice! You DO have talent and I love your artwork. You have an unique style that reminds me of illustration work from the 1920/1930! I love it. I look forward to more and thank you for bringing your blog to my attention! Cheers form Ohio, Johanna

  2. I love, LOVE your drawings! Your style and characters are very unique! Have you considered doing comic strips of these characters? I think that would be great. Keep up the good work and always share your art with the world!

    • Thank you for your nice compliments. I like drawing small characters. I want also drawing some small 2-3 square comic strips. I have some ideas. For now I am working to develop my drawing skills for backgrounds etc. Your drawings also are amazing. Thanks again.

  3. J’ai beaucoup aimé ces jolis dessins et si j’en ai l’occasion, j’en utiliserai (avec votre lien !) pour des textes futur. Vos dessins sont inspirants.
    Belle journée !

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